In this mortal world, humans need to keep the interest of their society () above their own personal interests. Because we all are part of it, we do not own it. This is an aspect of Nishkaam Karmayog ().
All humans need to follow their Dharm (
). In society, there are dharm for father, mother, children, teachers, business people and so on. Each one has a role to play. Once someone becomes a parent, their role of parenthood takes precedence over their own personal needs. A teacher’s dharm says to teach the students with all their heart.
Besides these generalities, each one of us need to observe the following values for their personal well being in this mortal world (संसार).
सत्य - Truthfulness
अहिंसा - Do not harm another being or yourself, by thought, word and deed
निष्काम - Selfless service. Avoid hypocracy (दंभ), arrogance (दर्प) and pride (अभिमान)
Forgiveness, patience, purity and enmity to no one
Absence of anger (क्रोध) even on provocation
Abstain from alcohol and non-vegitarian foods
Do not gamble
Do not covet another woman or man
Do not steal and do not lie
Besides these, one needs to work towards the upliftment of one’s Aatma (), The soul.
Bhagwan Shri Krishna has repeatedly said to Arjun that those who take refuge
in Him, He absolves them from all of their sins (
). Furthermore, those who worship Him and Him alone, all their needs in this world and beyond are met by Him. He personally looks after His Devotee
Bhagwan Shri Chakradhar has also said that in a moment one commits such an action that to fulfill that Karm () one has to take many births.
It is true that Krishn is
and only Krishn knows about this creation of His and how to get out of this world (संसार) to ones salvation.
Simply put our values lie in the will of Krishn, the lord of all that has, is and will ever exist.